Media Interviews


What the news media is doing to defend against deepfakes

Mike Grandinetti’s thoughts on how to combat the growing use of “deepfakes” to mislead the public & discredit major public figures is shared in the linked article. Along with staff at both the hashtagWall Street Journal & the hashtagWashington Post, two publications that adhere to the highest standards of journalism, I share insights about this alarming new trend. Unless managed effectively, it will have a material effect on the 2020 election & far beyond & further undermine our faith in journalism.

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A Day In The Life Of An Early-Stage Startup CMO

Startup culture requires an incredibly specific and unique personality — one that carries a large appetite for juggling multiple roles with the ability to thrive in a volatile environment while remaining relentlessly focused on the company’s vision and mission. Shows like HBO’s Silicon Valley provide a look into the emotional roller coaster that comes with life at a startup.

To take on the role of CMO at a startup is to take on even greater responsibilities. This position demands a keen ability to liaise between the company and the marketplace.

41 Execs Discuss Key B2B Marketing Metrics to Watch in 2018

Email Marketing: emails sent per week, open rates, website visits by source, number of touch-points per nurturing workflow, open rates pr week, CTR per week, contacts enrolled in nurturing workflows, contacts lost per week, etc
Paid Advertising and CRO: cost per lead(CPL) , impressions, clicks, click through rate (CTR), number of conversions, conversion rate, etc.

Diversity or Bust: Now It’s Your Time Female Entrepreneurs

If you were to judge what is happening with gender discrimination and sexual harassment for female founders and entrepreneurs based on what you’ve read in the news, or have seen the many disheartening research studies and articles about the lack of diversity in Silicon Valley, you’d be likely to have drawn a cynical conclusion.

Companies not walking the walk when it comes to diversity, study says

To be truly innovative, “multiple, highly diverse perspectives are crucial,” said Mike Grandinetti, chief marketing and corporate strategy officer at Reduxio Systems. “At Reduxio, we place great value on a fundamental principle: that the best results come from an intellectually stimulating, collaborative environment with highly empowered teams with lots of autonomy.”

Hybrid Reduxio storage shifts gears to midrange enterprises

Reduxio’s converged primary and secondary storage integrates native tools for data management and protection. Can the hybrid flash vendor turn a profit and pull off an IPO?

Data protection in an era of continuous attacks

“Many of our customers tell us that they are under continuous attack,” says Reduxio’s chief marketing and corporate strategy officer Mike Grandinetti.  “We are now seeing globally coordinated attacks by hostile foreign governments. For example, US Intelligence has established with 100% certainty that the highly publicised WannaCry virus, which took down Honda, Maersk, FedEx and the UK NHS, was perpetrated by the rogue government of North Korea.”

12 technologies that will disrupt business in 2018

Companies looking to hire engineers in the field are finding it’s a hard ticket to punch. “Computer vision is the hardest position to fill,” says Mike Grandinetti, CMO, and CSO of storage firm Reduxio. “Qualified candidates command $400K salaries,” Grandinetti says, and expect a lot of freedom and, at least at startups, a lot of equity.

The 11 most difficult IT hires today

“With so much going to the cloud it’s becoming very hard to find candidates for on-premises infrastructure roles,” Grandinetti says. “Companies want someone who’s ‘seen it all,’ because security and infrastructure are not great roles to train on the job without a firm foundation on the team.”

Looking forward Industry X.0

The 10th Special Report Looking Forward, published with the Italian edition of “Harvard Business Review” in April 2017, is dedicated to the Industry X.0 and in particular analyzes how the digital revolution changes markets and business models. Professor Grandinetti, in his opinion which ones they are the main areas where innovators are of Industry 4.0 technology must they concentrate?

Interview with The Cube Network on ‘Virtualization & Data Center Infrastructure’

International Career Advice with Mike Grandinetti

TV interview with Mike Grandinetti. Strategic Marketing, IBM Global Entrepreneur.

From Startup to Empire: How Disruptive Innovation Fuels Netflix, Uber and Nike

Six leaderships traits for CEO, Info Money Brazil.

Professor of the week, Mike Grandinetti, Hult.

Fast tech acquisitions can pay off, but with due diligence.

Million Dollar Hunger Reality Show: The Hult Prize

Student Entrepreneurship at Hult Boston

GreenGoose: A True Story of Living the Entrepreneurial Dream

SavvyShoes, Moglo, Nutrition2Go Take Home Cash at BCVC Elevator Contest

Kinvey Turns $1M Investment at TechStars Demo Day into a $2M Seed Round

Videos From The Launch Tech Conference

Boston Area University Tech Entrepreneurship MeetUp by Startup Next Boston

Counterfeit Medicine Fighter Sproxil Declared Winner at IBM SmartCamp Event Spotlighting Technology that Improves the Physical World

Innovate or die. Be ready to innovate or be ready to vacate.

In global search for ideas, big companies mimic startups

Crash Course in Business Plan Competitions

The Complex Economics of America’s Minimum Wage

The Complex Economics of America’s Minimum Wage

Contribution to innovation and entrepreneurship terms

Definition of super angel