Master Classes

Problem Framing Talk  at the University of California Big Ideas Competition

Future of DEI in Tech with Thought Leaders from Nike, Tesla, Deloitte, Intuit, and More

Preparing for & Competing with Tech Titans of China

Rutgers Leading Disruptive Innovation Participant Testimonials

Keynote Speech: A Billion Bit by Bit: How to get to a Billion in Revenue the Agile Way

Harvard Business School HBX Digital DisruptionCase Study

AI for Good – Hackathon

Masterclass on Disruptive Business Model Innovation at MIT

I’ll be teaching a 4.5 hour Masterclass on Disruptive Business Model Innovation at MIT on Monday 5 November. It’s being held in the Tang Center, E51-151, from 530PM to 9PM.

Register Now!

Disruptive Business Model Innovation

Spring Start Smart Class for Entrepreneurs

Start Smart is a hands-on class for entrepreneurs who are serious about launching a startup. CEO’s, successful entrepreneurs and investors who’ve done it all before are invited guest speakers and an integral component of the learning experience!

Classes are focused on the steps required to prep a solid understanding of your target market so you can launch and grow your science/technology company successfully.

Why Take This Class?

  • Learn What it REALLY Takes. Get insights on how to prep your startup rapid growth. Define and refine your company’s target market, product positioning, business model and go to market strategy
  • Build a Lifetime CEO Network. The other students in the class are a natural source of an in-the-trenches peer group
  • Expert & Peer Feedback. Bring exercises you have completed to class, discuss your results and receive expert and peer feedback on how to make improvements
  • Create and/or Refine Your Pitch. Your pitch will be suitable for potential investors, clients, recruits and partners

Register now!

Get Smart on Disruptive Business Model Innovation

Disrupt or be disrupted. There is no middle ground. Yet, the pace of disruption is relentless, and many formerly iconic companies have become extinct. The average lifespan of companies has collapsed by 80% since 1960. There is no issue that creates more fear and anxiety for the executive team and boards of directors.

Course topics include:

  • Business Model Deep Dive
  • Multi-Sided Markets
  • Open Innovation, Open Source & Crowd-Source Models
  • The Innovators Dilemma & Defending Against Disruption

Register now!

MasterClass on Disruptive Innovation (Part 1) – Nov 2017

MasterClass on Disruptive: Innovation Crossroads of Innovation (Part 2) – Nov 2017

MasterClass on Disruptive Innovatiion: The Era of Platform Economy (Part 3) – Nov 2017

Disruptive Innovation case studies: Gillette & Dollar Shave Club – October 2017

Designing Innovative Organizational Structures & the Power of Hackathons – October 2017

Creative Destuction and a Brief History of Disruptive Innovation – October 2017

Digital Disruption & the Platform Economy – October 2017

Designing Innovative Organizational Structures & the Power of Hackathons – October 2017

Digital Disruption & the Empowered Customer – May 2017

Disruption Innovation in Data Storage & Management – May 2017

Fintech & Disruptive Innovation in Banking at Massachusetts Bankers Association – May 2017

OpenIDEO Higher Ed Challenge: Introduction to Design Thinking (Part 1)

OpenIDEO Higher Ed Challenge: Rapid & Iterative Prototyping (Part 2)

OpenIDEO Higher Ed Hackathon & Prototype Scramble Wrap-up (Part 3)

Hult Prize Workshop November 2015

Uber case study Summer 2015

Havas case study Summer 2015

Mike Grandinetti MIT 100k Pitching Event

Airbnb Case Study Summer 2015

Introducing Hult Social Entrepreneurs to Social Venture Exchange

Gain Perspective on The Job Market in The Bay Area With Mike Grandinetti

Social Entrepreneurship to Rutgers University. Engineers Without Borders